Why Become a Sponsor?

Direct Support Professionals play an instrumental role in the lives of Manitobans with disabilities and contribute to their overall health and quality of life. Those Manitobans requiring such services deserve to be supported by well-trained and qualified staff who are paid a valued living wage.

However, the reality is that Direct Support Professionals in Manitoba have long been among the lowest paid in the human service sector. This wage disparity undermines the significance of their roles and responsibilities, resulting in a range of challenges, including high staff turnover, shortages, burnout, vacancies, waitlists, and disruptions in support. The issue has been persistent, and during the pandemic, many community-based organizations faced severe staff shortages unlike ever before.

Through your sponsorship, you can play a crucial role in supporting our vision and mission and ultimately improving the lives of individuals with disabilities. We welcome both financial contributions and in-kind donations.

Financial Contributions

  1. Direct Financial Contributions: We welcome companies and community partners to make direct monetary donations to support our initiatives aimed at advancing the Direct Support Profession in Manitoba. Your financial support will fuel our advocacy efforts.
  2. Corporate Sponsorships: Consider becoming a corporate sponsor to provide essential funding for our vision and mission. In return, you’ll gain visibility, recognition benefits, and the opportunity for long-term collaboration.
  3. Employee Giving Programs: Encourage your employees to participate in giving programs, allowing them to contribute to our cause directly from their salaries. These contributions will help us create positive change in the profession.
  4. Grant Partnerships: We seek partnerships with foundations and philanthropic organizations that share our vision and mission. Collaborate with us to provide grants that will empower us to set professional standards, enhance training, and advocate for valued compensation.

In-Kind Donations

  1. Training Resources: Donate training materials, offer access to training facilities, or provide expert trainers to help us equip Direct Support Professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles.
  2. Professional Services: Offer pro bono professional services such as legal, marketing, or accounting support to strengthen our organizational operations, enabling us to better serve our vision and mission.
  3. Equipment and Supplies: Donations of essential supplies or equipment will aid in organizing effective advocacy events, training sessions, and outreach efforts.
  4. Volunteer Support: Your employees and community members can contribute as volunteers, assisting us in various tasks and initiatives crucial to our organization’s success.
  5. Awareness, Research and Outreach Assistance: Donations of marketing, advertising, research tools, and resources will help us raise awareness about the Direct Support Profession.
  6. Event Hosting: Provide venues and catering services for our fundraising events or awareness campaigns, supporting our initiatives through in-kind contributions.

Interested in Sponsoring us?

We’re looking forward to partnering with you!

If sponsorship is something you’re considering, drop us a line and let us know what kind of support you’re thinking about. We’re all ears and excited to hear your ideas!

Current Sponsors